Monday, January 27, 2020

February Caption Challenge

As the month of love approaches, people are full of lust, love and desperation. This means its the ideal time for cupid to fire his arrow but also a great time for the trickster to have his fun. For 29 days, 29 men will be tormented and changed by the the loving actions of the trickster and his green smoke of change. Throughout the month of February be cautious what you wish for as the trickster will be all to happy to make those desires and wishes come true.

So beware when you lust after the guy at work to the hunk at the gym, just a slip of a wish could leave you with a very different life, one you may enjoy but certainly one you didn't expect.


Here are my 29 words...


  1. These were all fantastic! I've been unable to find the other half (I'm probably looking in the wrong place) do you know where they are, they dont seem to be on tumblr.

    1. Hi there! So glad to hear that you enjoyed the captions,genuinely makes me happy to hear comments. If your referring to the sketches that my friend was going to do for my words, he unfortunately had a lot of irl stuff happen so couldn't participate. You'll just have to reread my last 29 ;) or look over October's ones. :)
