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Big thanks to http://questionable-squirtle.tumblr.com/ for the artwork!! |
See, the men enjoyed the bar for two reasons; the first was the fact that they were only surrounded by others like them, those with wealth and a background of high society. The second reason was the view, through tinted glass the two men could look out onto the street and watch the common folk scurry about their business. The two men would watch intently and mock those that walked past for their terrible clothes, their cheap hair cuts, their pig faces and apish walks. The two men would be snickering all afternoon as the oblivious lower class marched by the black window, unbeknownst that the two men sitting only inches away were laughing at them. Yet today was different, the two men just stood by their table, their laughter silenced. It seemed that over the weekend some construction work had started and now the beautiful view the two men had was blocked by scaffolding and burly men in hi viz jackets.
Spencer was mortified as he sat down, he couldn't sit and watch these brutish men all evening where was the fun in that? Jamie quickly hurried to the bar and complained, hoping that management would do something about it but as it was explained to him he became sullen and dragged himself back to the table where Spencer was.
"It seems that there is construction work happening both above the bar and across the street. The manager said something about townhouses and luxury apartments. It seems the builders are here to stay." Jamie said as he slumped into his chair.
"This is outrageous!" Spencer said as he angrily took a sip of his wine. "Is there nothing they can do?"
"Apparently not" Jamie sighed.
"So what am I supposed to do? Stare at that oaf's arse crack all evening?" Spencer grimaced as he watched a particularly rotund workmen bend over and show off his exposed, hairy crack.
"Disgusting." Jamie said averting his eyes before looking back at the scaffolding. "At least there are still some monkeys performing on stage for us?"
"Yes but its far to easy to belittle and mock someone as filthy and grubby as these apes" Spencer quipped before letting out a deep sigh. " I guess its better than nothing though, I really don't want to have to find a new bar." However, as Spencer finished his sentence he started to regret his words as two men came through the entrance of the bar. Neither of these men were dressed in the finest designer suits, neither of these men had perfectly styled and cut hair, neither of these men looked like they came from high society and that was because both these men were clearly builders. Spencer and Jamie watched in shock as the two filthy men trudged into their bar and walked over to the back.
Both men were lost for words, the two men had left a trail of stench behind them, the acrid scent of cigarette smoke and body odour now soured Spencer's and Jamie's surroundings. How had an establishment like this allowed them in? Why hadn't they been turned away instantly? It wasn't long before the two men left, but their stink and appearance left a nasty taste in Spencer's and Jamie's mouths. How dare they defile their perfect bar with B.O and cheap tobacco! Both men took a minute to recover and to rid themselves of the awful smell, perhaps the men had been let in by mistake or maybe they had forced there way past the bouncer? Both men were willing to accept that the incident was a one time event but that soon turned out not to be the case, as over the next twenty minutes, seven more smelly workmen made there way into the bar.
Spencer and Jamie were seething with rage, as they marched to the bar and demanded to see a manager. The two men complained with anger and spite about the men being allowed in but while their complaints were acknowledged the manager refused to do anything otherwise, the workmen needed to use the bar and the manager had allowed it. Spencer and Jamie marched away and sat on their table once again, their anger and frustration bubbling until like petulant children they made their wishes.
"I wish this building work would hurry up and finish so we can have our view back" Spencer said as he crossed his arms and stared at the men working in front of him.
"I just wish that these smelly buffoons didn't have to use our bar" Jamie said leaning back and sneering at one of the workmen leaving the bar.
Both men then went to take a sip of their expensive wine but before they could they were engulfed in green smoke.
Spencer awoke with a shock, the lithe, fit accountant bolted up right from his slumber and stared at the unfamiliar environment around him. No longer was he at his favourite, sophisticated bar but what looked like a shoddy little office. Spencer was about to explore his new surroundings, but as he went to stand up he realised that not only was he in a new place entirely but that he was also completely naked. Spencer looked down, where had his suit gone? where were his clothes? Spencer looked frightened as he looked over his body, his six pack abs, his defined pectorals, his sculpted biceps and his lengthy cock were all out on display. In his awkwardness Spencer tried to cover himself, he looked around for his clothes but they couldn't be seen. However as he covered his body with his hands, he was surprised that he felt softer some how. Looking down again Spencer's eyes went wide with disbelief as he saw his body change before him. It started of slow and subtle, his abs were less defined and a little extra fluff appeared around his navel but soon the changes sped up. Within moments Spencer had put on 50 pounds of pure fat, his abs were long gone as a large bloated belly appeared, the mass of fat protruding so much he could barely see his cock which had also under gone some changes. The once lengthy penis had been shortened by five inches making it a pathetic two inches but to make up for its short stature it had gain another three inches in width making it a short stubby fat choad of a cock. His arms and legs became doughy, while his fingers and feet now looked swollen as more fat packed onto his once slender frame. Spencer panicked as he watched his body swell up, while a new layer of thick black curly hair crawled out from his skin covering his now flabby stomach and soft arms and legs. Spencer was out of breath by the time he had finished growing, he had gone from beach bod to dad bod in a matter of moments, however the changes were not finished yet as Spencer felt an ominous numbing coming from his ass. Spencer panicked as he tried to look over his shoulder at what was happening, but his new fat made it impossible to see. With a huge pulse Spencer's ass exploded outwards in all directions as each cheek gained 30 pounds of fat each and a forest of dark, matted hairs. The huge, fat ass was so large a bulbous that it was impossible to hide and no matter what Spencer wore the hairy crack would always be exposed. To finish it off Spencer felt a painful stinging coming from his arm, he quickly looked to the source of the pain and saw a tacky, poorly done England flag with a bulldog underneath.
"NO NO NO!" Spencer screamed as he grabbed at his new flabby hairy body. "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!!" but as Spencer finished his sentence his voice took a deep guttural sound.
Spencer coughed and continued his panic, but what came out was not what he expected.
"Mate! What the fuck is going on!?" Spencer quickly cupped his mouth with his new chubby hairy fingers, why was he talking like some common lout? Spencer curiously tried to speak again, all he wanted to say was a simple hello but what escaped his lips was "Alright mate. Spencer was in a frenzy his body and his voice had been changed but how? However the changes gave Spencer little time to work out his predicament as he felt an aching in his face. Spencer screamed as he felt his angular, sharp beautiful features change. "PLEASE MATE NOT MY BEAUTIFUL MUG!" Spencer pleaded like a moronic chav. Sadly Spencer's pleas went unanswered as his chin became broad and plump as a couple of rolls of fat appeared, his nose became wide and bulbous, his eyes narrowed, his lips thinned, his teeth yellowed, his hair sucked in his body and became short cheap cut and his ears grew outwards. His once beautiful face had been morphed into something unrecognizable, something more fitting for his body and voice. Spencer felt like he was about to cry, his face, body and voice had all be taken away from him and replaced with something much worse, he couldn't imagine his life could get any worse until the spoilt accountant watched as clothes started to form on his body. First came his underwear, instead of the designer boxers he was use to a pair of off white briefs materialized with a long brown smudge down the back. Next were cargo shorts, the disgusting beige was covered in stains, from food to paint, to cum. They were then joined by a pair of already sweat reeking socks that squelched on his new chubby feet, followed quickly by a pair of beaten up boots that were just as filthy as the rest of the clothes. Lastly to complete his new outfit was not a t-shirt or even a vest but just a bright, orange Hi-Viz jacket, a jacket that allowed his bulbous gut and moobs to be on display.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO" Spencer screamed, he was in despair he had lost his physique to a beer belly, he had lost his voice to a common chav and he had lost his job to a B.O scented workmen. Spencer finally realized what he had become, he was now a carbon copy of the filthy smelly workies outside his favourite bar. A flash of hope then appeared in his mind, the bar, Jamie. if he could get there then there could be a chance that his friend could help him and reverse the whole thing. Yet, as Spencer tried to move towards the exit of the grimy little office on the building site his stomach let out a deep rumble and Spencer had to clutch it with pain. 'Damn, he shouldn't of had those three kebabs last night'. Wait kebabs? A terrible sharp pain then radiated through Spencer's head as his memories were rearranged and erased. Spencer looked petrified as memories of his job changed from successful, wealthy city accountant, to a lowly, minimum wage, unskilled labourer. His memories of his background faded from the private education, town houses, housekeepers and villas abroad to a dingy flat shared by to many people, leaving school at 13 and getting drunk at the pub. Gone were his old friends, family and life, replaced by a group of lads and a dead beat dad. Finally last night changed he wasn't entertaining a lady friend in his penthouse while sipping champagne, he was out with the lads getting hammered, drinking pints and playing darts and then getting several kebabs before he stumbled home to his council flat before passing out in his single bed.
"No No No NO NO NO that ain't my life!" Spencer shouted shaking his head. "I'm an accountant, I'm rich, I'm smart, I'm I'm I'm ....." Spencer was then silenced as the rumble in his gut could no longer be contained and a loud rip roaring fart burst out of his anus drowning out all other noise, including Spencer.
"I'm going to shit myself if I don't get to the crapper now" Steve said as he stood up and headed to a door on the other side of the room. Spencer screamed as he watched his new body start to move and talk without him, he had lost control, he had been pushed to the back of his very own mind, he was now a passenger in a life he despised and it was all because of a fart. Steve sniffed his fart with pride as he walked to the other side of the room, however before he opened the door he swore he saw a wisp of green smoke.
Jamie shuddered awake, what had happened to him? And why couldn't he move? Jamie became panicked and tried to call for help but unfortunately no sound came out. Jamie screamed silently and frantically, what was going on? Why wouldn't someone help him? He seemed to be on the floor and the only thing in front of him was a door, where was he? had he been kidnapped? Had someone at the bar heard him complain? Luckily as if on cue the door in front of him opened, however it was not who Jamie wanted to see as a large, fat, smelly workmen in nothing but shorts and a hi viz jacket came in. Within moments the fat slob of man had pulled down his shorts and slammed his huge, hairy fat arse on top of Jamie and unleashed a shit smelling fart. From that moment Jamie had his questions answered, he now knew what had happened to him, he now knew why he couldn't move, he now knew what was going on, he now knew where he was, the only question Jamie had; he screamed. "WWWWHHHYYYYYY!" the vile accountant screeched as his new toilet bowl mouth was filled with a workman's fat turd.
The trickster smiled, both men had got what they wished for. Thanks to Spencer the construction work should be faster now that he was there to help and thanks to Jamie the workmen never had to go into the bar ever again, not now they had their own toilet to use. The trickster laughed as he watched Spencer squeeze out another turd into his best friend, the slobby workmen unaware that he would be torturing his friend for years to come. With another fart and another dump, Steve was done and it seemed that Steve was going to need a plunger and quick as it seemed a queue was forming outside.
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