It was only a short walk down the street before the Trickster found his next victim, sitting in his posh sports car Robbie, a muscular, masculine man was bragging loudly on his phone. Stopping, the Trickster wisped into the back seat and began to observe the handsome man as he continued to talk on speakerphone to his friend Matty, his car window open so everyone could hear. Robbie was excited he had gotten a promotion at work after framing a temp for his own mistakes, he then proudly stated his new salary so a passerby could hear. Robbie then continued gloating to his friend about how he had banged three women at his gym two of which happened to be sisters who were now fighting. Laughing at the ‘dumb bitches’ he had manipulated and fucked he explained that he needed a night to celebrate his amazing week and tonight he had booked an exclusive table at the nightclub in town where he had blackmailed the owner into giving him free bottle service. After the great week he was having, Robbie needed to party and he wanted his best friend to be there with him, even if Matty was only there to listen to him brag some more and watch as he took home the hottest girl at the club. Finishing his conversation Robbie arranged to meet his friend not far away so they could discuss the legendary night ahead of them. Not even bothering to listen to what his friend had to say Robbie hung up and was about to collect his things when he caught sight of himself. The Trickster grinned as the arrogant man caught his own reflection in his rear view mirror and began to flex his muscles, his tight t-shirt showing off his toned chest and his boulder like biceps. This man was insufferable and entitled, but somehow he was still successful, handsome and confident, thankfully the Trickster would change that very soon. However, before the Trickster could start his game he noticed that something had caught Robbie’s attention.
Walking towards the car two young women in crop tops and short shorts were giggling and chatting with each other, without hesitating Robbie leaned out of his car and flashed the girls a smile before looking them up and down.
“Hey girls, you like what you see?” Robbie said gesturing both to his car and himself.
However, instead of the positive, flirty response he was expecting, Robbie received a very different reaction.
“No thanks.” One woman said politely responding before continuing on with their day and Robbie was astounded. Robbie looked on in amazement as the girls kept chatting and giggling, his appearance, his car and his obvious wealth not even causing them to stop or even show the slightest bit of interest.
Robbie was deeply offended and his immediate reaction was anger “Fuck you! SLUTS!” Robbie yelled, drawing attention to the girls. Both quickly hurried away, frightened and embarrassed from the asshole shouting out his car at them. “Fucking cock teases” Robbie mumbled to himself as he sat back into the leather seat of his car. “Must of been a pair of pussy munchers!” Robbie laughed to himself, the only way he could explain it was that they must have been gay to not find him worth pursuing. After all he was fucking handsome, muscular, had a great sense of style, had a great car, pots of money and if they had stuck around they would have found out he was hung like a fucking racehorse! “Fuck them” Robbie grumbled, the whole incident still playing on his mind, no one dismissed him just like that, especially women. While Robbie continued to be bothered by the simple interaction that did not go his way the Trickster leant in close to his ear. This was going to be fun.