Another day, another bunch of victims to transform and torture. The trickster smiled as he had been especially busy lately, granting wishes to hundreds of poor souls who happened to utter their desires too close to the green demon. The Trickster clenched his fists, his power radiating through him, after that wish last night he was finally at the peak of his powers again. Cackling the Trickster recalled the poor man staring at his laptop who only wished to be happy, he looked so frightened as his skin turned as black as the night sky and his whole body started to drip and liquify. The scared screams were music to the emerald Trickster’s ears as the man’s body and features melted away until only a black puddle was left of the floor. The quivering puddle of what used to be the man so desperately wanted to shout as he saw the green smoke approach his new liquid form, a syringe appearing out of nowhere only made him sob and cry more as he felt his new body being sucked up. Weeping the liquid man watched as his room, his home disappeared in the green fog as he was transported to his new location where he would be most certainly would be happy. Suddenly, a louding buzzing could be heard as a new room materialised around the sobbing man. Posters of intricate art and designs covered the walls, rock music played loudly, what appeared to be some sort of table laid out in the centre next to a chair became the scared man’s focal point. The syringe he was kept in hovered over a small plastic pot and without warning violently squirted him in. The man yelled as his senses mixed as his body tumbled over itself and swirled around, he seemed tiny now, no more than a small cup for a man, a boring pot of black liquid shaking in its new container with no way to move or escape.
It was then the door to the room slammed open as a drunk giant man stumbled into it soon followed by a heavy set, older man covered in piercings and tattoos. The unremarkable pot of black liquid tried desperately to shout for help but soon stopped trying not because it was useless but because sheer fear overcame him as he realised just how insignificant he was as the obsese man slumped into the chair next to him causing him to wobble and shake. What was happening to him? Why was he here? Why was he a drop of black goo? Why was he so small?! The questions were endless and only caused the man more panic, just what the Trickster enjoyed.
From his vantage point above the Trickster watched as the drunk man stumbled to the comfortable table in the middle, pulled down his jeans and underwear to reveal his plump, rounded ass.
“Are you sure you want to do this man? Seems like you will regret it?” The obese tattooed man said as he readied some equipment.
“Just do it, I lost a bet to the lads and this is what I have to do!” The drunk man said before almost collapsing onto the table, his butt out and ready.
“Fine but I don’t want any complaints when you have sobered up.” The gruff man huffed as he turned on his tattoo gun and readied the small pot of black ink.
The Trickster grinned as he heard the pleas from the puddle of ink as the tattoo gun was dipped into his liquid body and part of him was taken away. It must have been an unimaginable sensation having part of your body ripped away from the rest of you, then forcefully implanted into the skin of another. From what the Trickster could tell from the crying, weeping and begs for mercy it must not have been pleasant. The poor man had already lost his arm, nose, ears and foot to the prodding needles and now he felt his eye taken from his body and forced into the soft flesh of the drunk man, it was gone but only for a second as his vision soon returned but now he could see the ceiling of the room. At first the sentient puddle of ink was relieved at least he wasn’t being torn apart piece by piece until nothing was left of him, he was just being transferred. However, the brief, tiny positive was short lived as the ink man then realised what that meant for him and his life, he was becoming a tattoo, a living tattoo and on the arse of some drunk lad!
That’s when the crescendo of crying and panicked screaming hit and the Trickster's smile grew. The man could only weep as the last of him was deposited into the squishy, fatty skin of the arse cheek, he tried desperately to move but he couldn’t, he tried to shout but he couldn’t, he wanted to end it all rather than live out this nightmare but he couldn’t. He was nothing but ink now, imprisoned in the layers of skin of his new owner, trapped on the side of some drunk guy’s ass.
“All finished” the gruff man said, giving the drunk man a hard slap on the back. “Mirror’s over there.”
For the crying sentient tattoo, his new world shook and jiggled as he was moved without his consent. As the drunk man's butt moved it allowed for the stench trapped inside the hairy crack to escape and gave the living tattoo its first whiff of sweaty unwiped arse. The tattoo man couldn't shout any louder, he couldn't struggle any more, no matter how much he thrashed or screamed he just had to endure the disgusting smell of his new owners arse. He realised now he was completely powerless, he had no control, he was now just a passenger, a decoration on the buttocks of a man he had never met before, left to smell the odours that would always escaped the dirty hole that was just inches away. As the drunk man shuffled over to the mirror his new tattoo got a good look at what it had become. He was once a man, he once had friends, family and a life but now he had none of that, now he was a tattoo. A tattoo that would be plastered on an arse cheek, sniffing farts, watching his new owner pass shits and for the rest of his life being trapped in sweaty, skid marked stained underwear. The man would never be found, he would never receive any break from his new smelly, foul existence and he would never stop weeping and crying for help. However, if anyone ever saw him they would say he sure looked happy!

The Trickster laughed as he recalled the man’s fate, how he cried as the underwear and jeans were pulled up over him sealing him away and trapping him in as his owner unleashed the first fart with his new living tattoo. His pitiful sobs grew distant as he disappeared into the world nothing but a smiley face enduring the rancid shit smelling air of a party going lad. the Trickster giggled he was sure the man would still crying as his drunk owner woke up with the beer shits and farts.
Yet, with that wish the Trickster was oozing power, so much of it that he no longer needed the wish of mortal to use his powers. For now he could have whatever fun he wanted, no restrictions, no need for desire or lust, just helpless humans ready to be transformed. It may only last a day before he would need to start all over again and regain his power but it would be worth it. The green demon cackled as the green cloud of smoke glided through the air heading for the nearest town to torture and torment.